I’m sure there are many humans that have a focus many of the rest of us just are unable to see. No hubris intended, how people org thoughts of what they see/witness and what conclusions are reached by their psyches is also a very inexact science.
The ongoing destruction of the biosphere we all depend on is a big worry, yes, there is very little understanding of our dependency on a spherical ribbon of earth space a few miles wide where most life exists, we are completely blanking on this fact.
In time it’s possibly many more may recognize the capabilities of many specials in our species. I tend to believe in individualism, whether special or some other generic metric. If there are 7 billion humans on the planet, that says to me that there can be 7 billion different perceptions all developing with their own unique preconceptions. We are not a hive mind to the best of my knowledge, like certain insects. (Not that a hive mind is not an interesting idea, terrestrial or elsewhere in the cosmos). Getting or attempting to get everyone on the same page is not going to be easy with a species like ours.