I’m bursting with rants, but don’t have time to execute them on spaces like Medium. Like today I’m trying to get through a Medium story regarding all that financial wonder magic ongoing, and all the links therein, the responses for all those links, plus more anywhere links and references. It’s just like Spring, following that one story, and all its refs are like completing any Spring job, endlessly.
For example, while visiting one of those nearby mega-warehouse stores of those local hardware-garden-department store variety, I’m talking about stuff like Lowes, HomeDepot, Menard’s, etc. You know, where retired men go to bask in the glory of yesteryear and pick up the usual gaggle of Spring supplies where one item leads to another, (like hose parts and connecters) including a bag of yellow, and white onion set bulbs at 100 per bag for about a buck 25 cents apiece I grabbed them both, only to get home whereupon the Mz. (aka ‘the boss’) commented, “What?!”, (remember the magic beans fairy tale?) see, she really owns the whole available yard and I can only claim residuals where I can sneak in something I want to try.
Anyway, I figure later in the summer when the Gen’ Xers drop by for a visit they will be happy to run off with tons of onions, beans, cukes, and later in the season some tomatoes. I know makes about as many cents as growing potatoes in Wis. Duh.
So I’ve now got to get out of my jammies and outside and digging up spaces, cause today is the last sunnier day before we expect at least 3 frosty nights if not one hard freeze. Geeze what happened to Spring? Also, I’m not an incorporated Medium writer, but after this response, I’m claiming the championship of the day for run-on sentences, people have to admit that. This reminds me of another rant regarding the free version of Grammarly that I’ve been parked on for well more than a year now while receiving at least 2 pitches a week for what I consider an overpriced writing tool, no matter what percentage off the weekly pitches are about, it’s just overpriced for a nonregular writer, that is, I don’t monetize Medium, therefore, no, not getting an (any) category of Grammarly at this time. Okay, I’m outta here, gotta get dressed, dig holes plant onions before tomorrow’s rain/slush event descends on the burb hood.
You and I, we’re prisoners of Spring’s circumstances. :-)