If the younger gens don’t have enough worries the non-solvable conundrum issue is also the tax situation. It’s not like the side-hustlers or self-employed have a leg up anywhere especially when it comes to downstream taxation rates causing a crap ton of collateral damage.
Only really big businesses can own the tax makers, legislatures, and the federal congress, it’s the exact reason the ACA was crippled from its inception. Big biz supported PACs own the government units all over this country, literally control state economies, there is no democracy about it at all. They can literally tell 'we the people' to STFU!
Self-employed one-offs in the Gen-whatever crowd, that is, those that may have come from formerly middle class or working class families, in today's workforce, what’s left of it, they begin to figure this out when they see what percentage taxes they owe on their tiny incomes (literally, " I owe what!?") when compared to HUGE incomes. Percentage wise, it’s a total massacre. These small one-off industries, I guess formerly known as cottage industries, are fodder for federal and state tax writers. Like in the old days the middle classes got stuck with high percentage tax rates cause the numbers were there, there were more of them, ripe for the pickings, all this while large corporations tightened their grip on their own outlook by buying government units wholesale through PACs, and political donations and it has to get muddier from there. (BTW: this is also directly related to being inside a huge and powerful empire, it ain't cheap being world cop)
Of course each and every election cycle noisy pols dust off their collection of issues from a file cabinet somewhere, issues they really don’t give a crap about, except at election times, and talk the usual big talk how they are fighting taxes and other issues like making small business, what, great again? Ha! These perennial mantras should be enough to turn the stomachs of the electorate, but no, most issues turn out to be hollow rhetoric, again, to assuage the people’s minds, like something is going to get done about their situation.
Now that many more in the population are out there trying to hustle their own business, online or with their trade, basically they are totally F’Kd! That number is growing, the next question is what to do about this ongoing situation.