If I were a snarky, clever, politician in the U.S. I might say, “It’s the empire, stupid!”
Can we change repeating histories? History like the greek & Roman empires dissolutions millennia ago? Can contemporary empires e.g. China, USA, Russia, Euro-zone, and other wannabes avoid reaping what they have sowed?
See the USA, from the recent past of cheap Japanese transistor radios and central American bananas, to now pricy electronics sourced from various adjunct client states. There’s a cost for all this. Even today with the current USA’s uneducated mental rot, ongoing, folks living in client neoclassical corporate states give up wanting to be local clients and want to check in to work at the home office, also known as immigration, legal or otherwise, they are desperate! These people are not the criminal class, maybe their handlers are (corporate cronies with a title?) but by and large not the immigrants themselves, though wing-nut pols say otherwise.
Doesn’t matter which contemporary empire one hails from there are people fed up with modern corporate neocolonialism, in country and out of country. They have given up, they will do dumb fuck stuff. Is it right? Probably not, but it does certainly reveal a collective failure of nation-state-empire civilizations.
If we chose to not handle this situation intelligently through international negotiation, eventually, sooner than later, we in the empires like those of the past are doomed.