If I ran a few food carts in a 3rd world open air market this would probably be the first thing I'd check. That and anybody that looked like a parkour type lurking around.
It's the low budget spies you have to watch out for in our neck of the slum thinking they can do anything since our whole existence is our portable market goods. We never see the big budget spies in our market they are driving their high end crash cars between high rises plate glass windows.
But yeah, when these spies try and kill each other it seems all they can hit is my produce, hate that!
I had to give away 4 mellons, 3 squash, and 10 carrots to the local beggars 'cause they were all hacked and shot up. The local protection bosses won't take turnips as collateral for protection even though I think they make excellent weapons. So we are practically defenseless.
We are ground zero for massive FUBAR.