“If I drank wheat-grass juice, I was giving the date permission to take me jogging in the park. And I was not about to do that”.
Right, cause the only time anyone drinks anything with the word grass in it is when lost in a desert and about to die of thirst. Then it’s still a choice.
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Sometimes on slow news weekends, we get stories that coffee is good, bad, good, bad, good for you as story fillers to be triggered so as to not having to work so much on off days thereby allowing some serious drinking and debauchery for a couple of days. Looking at our history, whatever the psychosomatic effects coffee has on the populace it’s probably much better than just booze. I mean we went through some kind of mental reset back in the prohibition days. The overall effect of coffee being the goto drink is probably for the better considering other drinks like booze. For the next 30 years, (if we survive the Trump era that could be characterized as beating anyone and anything with a hammer that opposes power & money heading Trump's way while bashing central American coffee-producing countries), we all should witness what will happen to coffee and dope. Will we have pot cookies with our a.m. cafe? Don’t know how those two mix, too old and won’t be here for that eventual determination.
Whoa, got to stop typing, too much coffee?