I was stuck in an office for many years where one co-worker would engage in endless conversations bragging about all the bargains and how many individual items were labeled 'low-fat', natural, or some such meaningless packaging verbiage.
Plus several times a week I also, being in the same room, also known as guilt by geography, had to listen to her go on about what her latest doctor appointment was all about, endlessly................--> ... 🩺🩺🩺🩺........
She also had this habit of trolling the death listings in the local paper, we both worked at the local paper, to figure out which wakes were having a dinner (✅ the menu?) and if she even remotely knew the dead people. What? That's right, don't know about Denmark and death rituals, but in the USA death is a social production. Really. Yeah, my guess is she was crashing a few wakes, oh well, maybe her uncle was Jack Benny? Anyway, hopefully in the very distant future when it's time for you 2 to pass on, whatever you do, don't die here! It's just another money sucking business.
Your hubby is right about so much, nothing makes sense here unless it has a price tag. WTF!