I guess I get why a year or so ago Medium started the 100 follower limit to initialize their writer partnership intern status. Even though I thought it created a whole behavior class of following hoping for reciprocation.
Possibly the rule also kept a few ad-spammers out.
Yeah, Medium still has some problems with annoying, trollish ad-spammers, usually the bit-coin crowd hoping for hits. But anyway, on Medium readers can train themselves on identifying great stories as opposed to 'bot' or 'AI' assembled content.
I think Medium is a potentially better than all those legacy magazine to digital offerrings over the past decade where I guess the biz formula was turn my dead tree product into a digital wonder. Of course, now the world apparently doesn't have a choice in mass, we have become an online dependent society, as many around the world also have morphed. The difference is where writers decide to post. Hence, the Medium.com digital landscape.