I changed any word “you” to a different reference so as to not point to anyone in particular.
As far as Mr. BHL Marine, I follow him and think he has some excellent satirical ideas and puts those ideas into prose. I think people that get good at satire have seen enough and been around the block enough to spot political graft when they see it, and then he reports his opinion on Medium.
During the latest CPAC convention, there were many opportunities to comment on cancel culture as in the pulling from the sale of about 4–6 Dr. Suess books plus some politicians as victims like Rep. Greene R-GA. The cancel culture stories are bloated news IMO completely irrelevant to more important stories in circulation, like C-19 ongoing, the 1.9 T$ recovery bill, among other important news stories around the world. IMO, I did not see much reasoning for the publisher pulling the Dr. Suess books from sale. My POV, when an org like the conservative CPAC GOP has nothing new to say then change the subject. This is fine, creates satire fodder for Mr. BHL Marine, again IMO.
As to my attitude regarding all scriptures following any deities, I’m sorry I can’t find any relevance to all these stories relating to modern life. Yet, believers in any religion, go for it, I have no qualms with those that believe. I guess I’d be labeled a ‘freedom from religion’ person. That’s me. Much history is many times under revision as more accurate information is curated over time by archeologists, historians, and others in relevant fields of study. Though being in a state of change, I tend to believe in history books.