Here's my 100,000 ft. view point, or what's happening in capitalist heaven?
We could say every year is transformational in this fast moving internet era. The fly in this years ointment is the upcoming and ongoing theatrical political circus in D.C. where the big (huge) tech concerns will no doubt regroup when this vacuous circus is over and implement any number of capitalist-monopolistic behaviors these tech giants already have waiting in the wings.
So to, content aggregator subscription services like Medium are no doubt trying to read the tea leaves of the future, the latest of which is trying to stay ahead of other aggregator eyeball facilitators (but whom usually, besides having subs, have an ad spam agenda, though they may not indicate so, or, 'I will sell your soul's information when we crash and cash out to bigger fishing expeditions')
Even though we live in a rampant capitalist country basically it amounts to the following definition including an important example, you are welcome.
Do and get away with anything possible to enhance bottom line bean counter revenue and profit spreadsheets.
Mathematical Example how this works, aka ‘the circle of life’ in the religion of capitalism with its current deity 💵.
Ma 🔔 —> Baby 🔔s —> Ma 🔔 or the reflexive axiom of rampant capitalism.
This example will be similarly replicated in the coming years, no doubt.
Outfits like Medium must wait for the above dance to finish to form more winning strategies which can look like the movie ‘They shoot horses don’t they?’ situation. Hey writers & readers, guess who the real horses are? :-)