So you are saying dads are out there on the front lines in the climate apocalypse trench warfare battleground. (in house anyway)
Though I’d be adding some greenhouse gases to the biosphere I put my foot down at a 74 degree bottom for the A/C. Long detailed conversation about humidity, temps, and sleep, but not now.
Great job list though.
I used to get periodic lectures from the other gender in the house regarding TP roll replacement. However I was so bad at that they effectively fired me from that task but never stopped dissing me for forgetting to replace or leaving 1-2 sheets on the current role.
But yeah, your list reminds me of other stuff around the house I don’t think about. My goal is to lose as many chores as possible over time to the point of being uniquely in charge of garbage only. I’ll have to die to lose that task plus get there. :-)
addendum: We had an old Honeywell thermostat like the one in the story picture, when we upgraded the heating, cooling and A/C systems in our cracker box last year (just as covid was turning into a real thing) we got a new thermostat and my gen’ xer helped us figure out the screen nomenclature. How embarrassing. I've very much been a fan of digital everything in the past 40 years, but sometimes analogue seemed so much easier. :-)