Great retro stories.
This reminds me of a current trend online with YouTubers and all the retro e-gaming sites from yesteryear and the rebuilding of vintage equipment and recording the whole process. If I stop to think about some of these retro rebuilds that younger gens than I also much enjoy and participate in, yeah, we are the backbone of this trend. I conclude in less than a decade all legacy media will be virtualized, all of it, and in software, not hardware, may I please live that long.
Also, will we have to get a subscription to get at it? :-)(admittedly, I watch a lot of this stuff lately, such a hypocrite, it's like comfortable nostalgia)
The other trend in online productions I'm annoyed with to some degree is this whole DIY genre along with the "off grid" mantra. All that while the DIY'ers are sitting on what appears to be "off grid" construction sites with more equipment than most true modern contractors back in the big bad cities. Doesn't add up over time, it's like in the end they have recreated modern reality out in the so-called middle of nowhere. Oh well, enjoy.
Of course, truly killing both these trends would be the finality for the human race experiencing total climate collapse, yep, that would do it.