Great list of reasons for Biden 46. But maybe there could be a few more overlooked reasons for hanging in there with Joe.
Joe says, no angry guy am I, my legacy will be a permanent smile. 😎
Joe says, my VP pick will never be a gaffe maker, I've got that covered. Just you wait and see.
Joe says, I'm going to get tough with those wall street hoodlums, and Its hands off for smaller banks, like in Delaware.
Joe says, I'll reunite Blue and Red states by turning the red south purple, first up, I'll be all over southern districts like Dollywood, TN. (If you know what I mean)
Joe says, (last and probably most important) Vote for me! I'm the white orange aide to wipeout the virus plague that is agent orange, for good!
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Seriously I'm voting for Joe mostly for the last reason provided.