Great jackpot issue for engagement. I was halfway through the comments when I figured out, Duh, this article arrived as a From: OneZero, Medium sender, It wasn’t From: Medium Daily Digest. I guess this is the typical ongoing trend in this country if something is working, then that’s not good enough, must make/get/produce/change more since we already have customer’s email, now sell, sell, and sell some more!
So as if we weren’t getting e-dinged enough from just about anybody and anything desperately trying to sell us more and more crap cause the reality is getting hold of suckers, I’m sorry, customers, is always a hard task, I mean the long green goes to admin and the marketing promo schemes, the grunts producing all the crap (writers here) for consumption, well on par, not so much, just some leftovers or residuals, end of year swag bag? I’m probably wrong about this but somewhere buried in a real spreadsheet the clap could really be a kind of slap with careful analysis, but that’s just me being paranoid.
Medium’s latest marketing gig appears to be to create a bunch topic silos and e-spam us to death on a weekly basis for each and every siloed subject, yeah yeah, just don’t follow those new silos the same content can be found in other ways on Medium, blah blah blah. Still, we get encouraging, oh so sincere pitches for this and that NEW collection of the same stuff. I’m content to build my own profile lists to follow, but noooooooo, here’s how to consume our endlessly refashion super e-blog of the month, whatever. Maybe Medium has a cost problem maintaining great search tools in their space and thinks this whole packaged silo approach is going to do better maximizing engagement. Holy crap I sound like I just exited a marketing meeting!
So I’m having fun with this article, I get it, and I’m really getting lots of emails just from Medium, sans the rest of the e-world. So I went clap-happy for this article. Whether a real mental tipping point in email marketing or not for the author as to hitting send or not, if real it’s symptomatic of economic reality in today’s strange economy. In spite of the record activity on the big trading boards, somehow integrated into all this economic activity is the differently enabled self-styled worker of 2019, consisting of incorporations of one: side hustles, freelancers, contractor, side gigs, in between jobs, and e-shingles all having to use email sale tools to shake the bushes. If I were young now I’d be in some kind of depressive funk wondering, is this survival? I mean how much time and effort is required to turn an e-buck?
This subject could be under some other moniker like, ‘The end of Decade Subscription Disaster Debacle’ write, write, write. :-)