Good on you! The stealth chef. I totally agree on a chef's right of need to know how anything gets done in the kitchen. Meaning try not to get caught but you probably will anyway but the proof is in the tastebuds. It's like why go into an endless conversation about what you had to do to fix someone's computer. They will immediately put it in their personal round file upstairs.
You have rebooted your Instapot for squash recipes and now while nobody's looking chop, dice & slice up some veggies, fire up that old oven and bake yourselves a veggie casserole! Peppers or pepper spices to season and also throw in some summer (yellow) squashes, zucchini, caulflower, brocolli, and an onion slabs or two, [cheesy fried onions garnish on top(?)], and walla, nirvana on a plate!
Come on now, you know there are close to one zillion veggie casserole recipes on the net. Perfect Google search term: "grandma's veggie casserole recipes". :-)