First: 👏 50 append a ‘0’ * 2 = 1k. That’s is your Medium batting avg. Great work J.W. you are batting 1000.
The following opinion is regarding K-4 through higher ed grad school. All of it.
Instructors/teachers are not running or in charge of public education. Duh. Right the money changers are running the show and lying about it constantly.
Legislatures, school admins, and a host of parental noises, comes first. Teachers are the scientists that are not acknowledge by this trifecta of public education doom know-betters?
Our state of Wis. used to have an excellent public education institution, no more, classic defunding and missing funding by the state, bloated top heavy admins that do nothing, and yes probably no longer teach anything. Many parents have -0- respect for instruction staff, believing false tropes that teachers are at fault for their kids woes.
To parents, if you dislike your perceived notions that public education is hosed up my only suggestion is ‘shut up’ and homeschool or self educate, it works some of the time but it’s not easy and you may not be in a financial position to perform said tasking. I’m surprised myself how many have chosen in our city to homeschool, a city that once was pretty much second to none in educational quality.
Our state legislature in this recent decade has dumped the funding of education downstream to existing methods like property taxes on down to run a bake sale for your supplies, peons! This also promotes class disparities county by county or class advantages. When it’s election time these same legislators and execs wannabees are too busy espousing how they are fighting property taxes, blah, blah, possibly there wasn’t enough $lush in the DOT fund to siphon off in that perennial budget trick, among other typical accounting State budgetary tricks.
When that decade arrives and teachers get their learned respect, admin budgets go down to some manageable figures, including reducing the number of overstaffed admins, parents should have less to gripe about and also learn that, ‘hey, our kids are doing better, wow!’ But, this won't happen without the educational reform where teaching staff is running the educational system, anywhere, USA. Get this through our thicker than thick skulls, teaching is the science to enable future learning, not who or what is in control now, that will never work!
Cliche alert, ‘this only scratches the surface’, I could write a book about all the crap I’ve seen watching a second to none state of Wis. education system slowly chewed up by greedy and ‘stupid’ legislatures, executives and admins.