Excellent story! The move and such. Just hilarious in retrospect.
I know what you mean about corn in the area. We would visit cousins down in Aurora back in the 60s & 70s, get off the interstate at Randall rd. and it seemed pretty solid corn fields all the way down to Aurora. More recently Randall rd. seems like the largest-longest strip mall in the known universe. Seriously! (maybe the citizens of the area decided that if everything is paved over and sprayed constantly with some unknown herbicide, well then maybe no dandelions could get through).
Regarding Eating at Elgin:
“The lack of variety is stupendous.” absolutely a mega-roar! I can see it happening. :-) It’s like, WTF who rolled up the sidewalks after the sun went down?
Yeah, the perpetual idiots and their louder than anything tricked out dumb-mobiles. Just sick, and going 80-90 on residential streets? Shit, maybe they are the cop’s kids?
However, ’Ma’am?’ -Yes?- ‘Is that dandelion on your lawn?’ -Well, I think so….- ‘UP AGAINST THE WALL MOFO! WHAT IN HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!’
Yeh, the dandelion enforcement is total bullshit.
I could go on all day about this Elgin story, but it's getting late, time to crash.
Great story, and yeah, I think I know how dog tired you both were after that move.