Excellent Spring season garden story.
Here in south central Wis. in 2023, unless we start getting lucky real soon and get some rain we very well are going to be looking at drought real soon. So I’ve been watering like a piston around here. I know that a real great Spring rain would really do wonders at this point. Other than all that, stuff looks livable and good where I can get the watering done, daily.
Got the usual veggies this year, tomatoes, cukes, carrots, and more peppers (this year), and some onions in the ground so far. (ahh, um, did I mention weeds?) The flowers, iris, lilies, flowering bushes, and all the early snowdrops, tulips & daffodils/jonquils were as usual, fabulous. Also this year hosta, any variety/type, came roaring back along with every wild violet imaginable, (literally every!) both being very native plants in our area. Yeah, the hosta, ferns and violets are what we call super low maintenance and at our ages well that’s a God send. :-)
Some of the flowering woody bush blooms were culled back this Spring in blossoms due to late frost nipping and now absence of some rain, IMO. This last week in May now is when the summer heat begins to return in our area, we either get rains or else, the city will get their pound of flesh when we get the monthly water bill. :-) Pro tip: never look at an itemized water/sewer bill, there’s stuff on there that seems to have nothing to do with water works. Kind of like a phone bill, ah, um, what the heck is all this about? :-)