Tim Colby
1 min readAug 2, 2018


Excellent edu read. If only, if only. The if only is changing our one size fits all edu system. A key to this change is embedded in the lessons learned in preschool paths enabling continued learning. Enabling the very young to break out of future edu jails will be teaching that youth to identify their creative work in the preschool and early grade rewards system. When youth understand they can create, if the edu system allows, a path is established. If they are not already in that statistical group educators refer to as ‘ eating it up ‘ as it were, they can be enabled for learning on other paths even end runs around the apparent mediocracy of classic scholastic edu pathways. Will our organized system of edu have a place for these creatives? I guess that is the future wonder as our current system of edu morphs into some learned facilitator of knowledge it purports to be.

I think we have seen enough of higher edu being the business of higher hazing. Those that beat our hazing system are identified as the educated percentile. It then is simple math: 100 — percentile=everybody else. What a wasted number.



Tim Colby

Grad: Whats-a-mata-U, Mayor: Foggybog, Wi., Awards: Medium response run-on-sentence-king, Medium response all-over-the-place trophy