Engaging, factual article.
I’m not sure you are as affected as other Medium authors regarding compensation relationships in light of the latest Medium changes for authors or even feel that concerned about Medium changes. However, from my readings about that change, I’m guessing that this phallic article will test out to be an optimum reader engagement article regarding compensation, maybe a tad too long depending on the reader's characteristics.
That is the number of readers and how much time was spent reading plus possibly other yet unknown metrics gleaned from your trackable postings. So in a couple of months if you employ any of those analytical tools to track writer compensation, try and extract the data for this article and report back, which is also an opportunity to relink this same piece. Just curious how this article will add/subtract to your overall Medium income, not any of my business but some seem concerned by the changes, until in the future yet another change takes place, hopefully for the better for authors on Medium.