Considering our vast modern pan-electronic networks buzzing away 24–7, that vast e-landscape is no doubt loaded with cons. Inside this communications wonder world, a big chunk of cons is the employment of the sin of omission in messaging, it’s damningly pervasive. That is only messaging what the sender wants potential marks to hear.
To me, and simpler to spot, there are lots of medicine wagon conmen coming into town on a regular basis, they are so overt and crazy acting that some figure, oh, that’s too crazy, it must be true. Oh wait a minute, here’s an example, how about the president of the USA? Still, IMO, many don’t see him for what he is, yes, that conman.
Still, much of this behavior lives in our social DNA. My father was a protestant minister with all the great lessons of that Christianity that we were all supposed to espouse to in our daily lives. Yet he would do stuff like drive 5 miles in a gas guzzler to avoid putting a dime in a phone booth, what? Also getting a better deal on any sort of business transaction to the point of probable unfairness in trade and business dealing is definitely practiced all day every day in our society. This institutionalized slow or fast screwing of anybody and everybody is very much acceptable behavior in our social DNA, as they say, especially when we perps don’t get caught, socially or legally, then it’s actually considered a great attribute of our humanity. Think I’m full of crap? quite possibly, but I say open our eyes and examine behaviors more closely. Sure there exists altruism, empathy, and other higher social attributes, there is also a huge chunk of the population who has no idea what these higher social behaviors are, in practice.
I’ve got to stop now, my freemium Grammarly emoji is giving me the stinkeye!