Besides Pols big Corporations also dive right into the falsehoods big time with their standardized boilerplate explainions, usually avoiding any culpability and almost never directly answering a question. EX. in a coal settling waste pond outside a power plant they might say, Oh, the hurricane made this mess, not filling in the public affected, including the cost of clean-up, how previously they were ordered to fix their waste ponds but did nothing substantial.
Back to our buddies the pols, in Texas, the gas and water pipes were still frozen for several days in the latest freak cold snap in Texas, but the GOP went right into spinning and blaming the disaster on a few windmills and launched into and anti-climate change rant which of course was totally debunked in about a day. Of course some just bought that tripe.
On taxes, aka downstream collateral damages, cities like ours have a kind of blood sport in trying to hide new taxes with all manner of shoveling fees and increases that have little to do with accountability or wealth distribution explanations to governmental departments. Our city has added emergency(?) forestry fees for (several years now and counting) cutting down many ash trees in the city on the water/sewer bills, due the emerald beetle's larvae killing those ash trees over time. That fee will probably never really go away even after the ash tree crisis abates. BTW: Same thing with phone bills, check them out, every government unit imaginable has their pinkies in our phone bills. But wait those charges aren't all taxes, they are referred to as all manner of charges, that will also probably never go away. So don't tell the public that all this isn't taxes, it is, it's from your local governments, I didn't say I wouldn't pay it, just tell us it's really taxes, not fees, surcharges, excise taxes (for what purpose, plug the latest budget hole?) the feel good fund(?), you name it. Enough rant about taxes.
IMO, let's just hope there are enough voters to never install another crook like DJT ever again! Education, a subject for another day. Sorry, wrote another book. :-)