Assuming you are a subscribed G-writer (as writing is income) maybe you can only imagine the notification slalom barrage that can reach free(?) users. And now, this time of year I got the (another) $75/year special offer in today's pitch. Not to mention the collection menagerie of undefined emojis blanketing every input of characters anywhere while it's active. Click on any of those emojis and you're in for a blitzkrieg of upsell from the big G-steering control marketing AI department while trying to figure out WTF that meant. I suppose I can't complain as a free user for 4 or so years, maybe I just like abuse.
This piece is a big reason why I haven't bitten on going full subscriber yet, other than the perennial reasoning of [hey, I already seem to be subscribed to anything resembling any situation out here in suburbia]. It's like an endless email battlefield of big G-marketing-AI vs. free user. I especially get the notification in upsell pitches "Are you signed out of your G account?". "Your missing out on.... " (aka stuff that's in your piece today)