A true roar!
Vermont and New Hampshire, what a combo. I guess now they can both live free or die together. Personally I think the average Vermontian is rather lonely being as the state is 2nd to last in population to Wyoming. Hey is a pattern developing? Or maybe most of the job opportunities in Vermont are of the tourist gift shop variety with tinkle muzak 24/7, which might cause some kind of kind of brain damage over time. If nothing else they can sell what’s left of their decades old petrol cars Canada.
Yes, here in Wisconsin several decades ago we had some push to create the 51st state, some conflagration of northern bits of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigans upper peninsula. What, maybe they could sport a new state flag cut from an L.L. Bean shirt with the # 51. Of course, that eventually blew up into nothingness.
Some Californians recently tried to cut their state in two a year or so back, oh well.
The latest is suppose to cut out some gerrymandered slab of land from Northern Colorado and South West Wyoming. Hmm, my wager is, if it ever happens the new territory/state will keep the dope, cause someone apparently has already been smoking the stuff.