5 (Z) 4 U (more on that shortly)
When I saw the title I knew I would respond even if I had to disown all my acquaintances starting with my immediate family.
Holy F’K this piece is great! How great you ask? Besides being perfect I’m proposing a new appreciation code for Medium writers, and since the mysterious A.I. Guy Ⓣ sees all, NO, knows all, possibly this new code set will be adopted by the ‘thing’ behind the curtain. I’m sure A.I. Guy Ⓣ is not a dick after all.
5 Thanks for your Medium writers subscription fees.
50 Thanks, stick around maybe we can make some real $.
5C Thanks, and congrats, you have reached the Medium 100 club.
5K Thanks so much, but know this, leave Medium and there will be no place on earth where you will write again.
5M Thanks, Hey! a bonus breakfast coupon is coming your way! Can dinner be far behind? 😉
5B Thanks, 5 dinners gratis, (within reason) yummy 4 tummy!
—— and the pièce de ré·sis·tance from A.I. Guy Ⓣ award category ——
5Z Thanks, (Z — Zillion) Your pay rate is now double.
Congrats! [Conditionally on not violating the 5K terms above.*]
C. Stevens, again you prove your profile attribute,
“intellectual kickboxer”
5Z 4 U
* Offer can be terminated at any time by A.I. Guy Ⓣ for the following, A.I. Guy Ⓣ sells self, nuclear attack, bad morning gruel experience, more dets at A.I. Guy Ⓣ DOT COM. (in one point font, bring electron microscope)