"#3. Do your own thing".
Thinking careers If Bro thinks he can do his own thing he probably has made several decisions on some statistical calculus related to the socio-economic society he lives in, regarding institutionalized economic realities of his culture, (ours), relating to gender here. Whereas reading your narratives past and present regarding your career choices the thinking may be, the opportunities were more rigid by gender in the same culture as bro's, so having made the calculus that a professional career is pretty much the 'only' escape from our cultural gender roles, hard as that can be in our socio-economic culture for females.
After WW2 we observe many cultural shifts. Not always for the better, examine some old world societies gender socio-economic roles, say middle-eastern, the gender opportunities for many females are a very cold calculus compared to some Euro or N.A. cultures, for example in N.A. since I live here, the gender roles are still assumed by some males with roles for females like "barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen", whereas many males might calculate, I can spend 20-30% of my life on the sofa doing whatever and still get by.
These calculations are not an accident they result from socio-economic cultural norms of the day. Further, another example are white collar office workers, females in that workplace will many times be overlooked by entrenched gender driven management to put any old underperforming derp/dolt male gender in promoted positions compared to qualified females for the same position. This still happens all the time more so in some career paths than others, NOT so much referring to classic gender stereotyped work roles, as that is a culture practice, for better, worse but still very much messed up considering career valuation, (virtual jail?).
The effect of all this is to dumb down our future. I'm not sure if our cultural trend is chronic or not though looking at current management of our country at this time IMO the societal trends are really really bad behavior patterns. Wars and pandemics hopefully are not what we are made of, they pass in time, right??
Sorry for the book, I goofing off hoping to avoid chores I know must be done. Dang!