1st & foremost thank you for your service, teaching, writing, mom, plus enduring the daily higher-up derps who have deeply wedged themselves up whosever royal dean-president's backside at your institution.
P45 is now like the fly in our soup, but note, the GOP enablers in congress would not accept the $2k ploy of P45. Those enablers have big backer$. Like in my state of Wis. there is a personal character trait of the new GOP cabal, a self-entitlement belief by any means necessary.
Got to wonder or speculate about the homo-sapiens of 50-40k yrs ago if they raided weakened Neanderthal settlements, killed males raped females. I mean, there is a trait of the homo-sapiens that may have never gone socially extinct, in other words, they were forcibly self-entitled, and apparently loving it.
Total conjecture yes, but today's GOP is looking a lot like that conjecture, entitlement over anyone else.